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2021/1/18 12:12:44发布123次查看
the biggest characteristic of gb is a flexible filler deformation and excellent fluidity, can flow under the action of water pressure, squeeze into the seam to stopping water impermeability, excellent sealing effect on the pore to close, gap up. gb flexible filler also has good bonding performance, and the bonding strength of concrete is greater than the tensile strength of the material itself, so that the bonding interface can not be destroyed under various working conditions. at the same time, gb flexible filler also has excellent resistance to medium, that is, water, alkali salt immersion, has a strong applicability to the environment, freeze-thaw cycles, and has a certain cold resistance and high temperature resistance. gb flexible filler can be processed into various shapes and section size profiles according to the requirements, so that it is convenient for construction.
gb (sr) is the biggest characteristic of flexible packing deformation and excellent fluidity, can flow under the action of water pressure, squeeze into the seam to stopping water impermeability, excellent sealing effect on the pore to close, gap up.
the flexible filler also has good bonding performance, and the bonding strength of concrete is greater than the tensile strength of the material itself, which can ensure that the bonding interface does not damage under various working conditions. at the same time, flexible filler also has good resistance to medium, that is, water, alkali salt immersion, has strong applicability to the environment, freeze-thaw cycles, and has a certain cold resistance and high temperature resistance. gb flexible filler can be processed into various shapes and section size profiles according to the requirements, so that it is convenient for construction.
in recent years, the flexible packing produced by our company has been applied in more than ten water conservancy projects, electric power projects, industrial and civil engineering projects, and achieved better anti-seepage and sealing effect.
application range
(1) expansion joints and peripheral joints of dams of various large and medium hydropower projects.
(2) sealing layer, large panel joints, and the joints of roof parapet.
(3) basement, civil air defense works, tunnels, subways, culverts and various water supply and drainage works.
(4) concrete and rubber, plastic, ceramic and all kinds of metal materials bond sealing.
the construction methods of the flexible packing seams, cracks chisel made 8cm wide and 8cm deep groove type "v", the full removal of stone dust, dust and loose animal, filled with mortar uneven, to dry. before construction, the material is rubbed into rough strip with the width of the joint by hand; finally, the material is twisted on the connection seam to make the high surface to be a specified convex column, and finally covered with the pvc protective cover plate.
matters needing attention in construction:
1, construction principles: first sewn inside and outside the seam, first on both sides, behind the middle.
2. the construction surface must be solid and dry.
3, after the construction of water stop material, must be protected, to oid mechanical operation.
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中国 衡水


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